Tease&Please Kama Sutra Poker Game Product code E27964

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Product description
Product description
Kama Poker is a game in which the two exciting worlds of poker and Kama Sutra meet and combine.

The goal is for two or more players or partners to experience an exciting and erotic adventure together. You certainly don’t need to be a experienced poker player, as you are not going to win lots of money but exciting and erotic moments full of passion with Kama Poker.

The game builds up the (sexual) tension in several rounds, in which players strip, touch and caress until ending up in sexually high spirits in the ecstasy round.

By folding, raising or bluffing at the right moments, players can influence the erotic outcome of the game and its pace. The more you win, the more you will dominate the game. Kama Poker is a perfect game for 2, but additional players could provide some more excitement and fireworks, we will leave the challenge up to you. Never before has a poker game been so exciting!

PS: on average women win more often than men.
Tease&Please - Kama Sutra Poker Game photo-2

Product features

Kama Poker is a game in which the two exciting worlds of poker and Kama Sutra meet and combine.

The goal is for two or more players or partners to experience an exciting and erotic adventure together. You certainly don’t need to be a experienced poker player, as you are not going to win lots of money but exciting and erotic moments full of passion with Kama Poker.

The game builds up the (sexual) tension in several rounds, in which players strip, touch and caress until ending up in sexually high spirits in the ecstasy round.

By folding, raising or bluffing at the right moments, players can influence the erotic outcome of the game and its pace. The more you win, the more you will dominate the game. Kama Poker is a perfect game for 2, but additional players could provide some more excitement and fireworks, we will leave the challenge up to you. Never before has a poker game been so exciting!

PS: on average women win more often than men.
Tease&Please - Kama Sutra Poker Game photo-2

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