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Palmpower 充电式无线按摩器 - 粉红色 产品编号 677613306289
与原装PalmPower不同,PalmPower Recharge不需要插电工作,为您提供前所未有的自由。只需将充电器按入PalmPower充电器的底部,让它完全充电,拔下电源插头即可!
PalmPower Recharge与所有当前的PalmPower附件配合使用相同的“T”锁定导板,以确保附件在使用过程中安全可靠。轻松弹出可互换的附件,并在需要时替换为任何其他附件以获得不同的感觉。
- 100%矽胶头附件,带有不同的可选头(另售)
- 单触式增量速度控制
- 无需电池/可充电
- 包括40“USB充电线

For the price and the thrill this little massager is the real deal...well worth the investment for a night of relaxing sexual pleasure. With no cord makes it even more pleasurable to use as I can change positions, and the motor is quiet. Love how head bends in different directions.
Great buy. Recommended!
与原装PalmPower不同,PalmPower Recharge不需要插电工作,为您提供前所未有的自由。只需将充电器按入PalmPower充电器的底部,让它完全充电,拔下电源插头即可!
PalmPower Recharge与所有当前的PalmPower附件配合使用相同的“T”锁定导板,以确保附件在使用过程中安全可靠。轻松弹出可互换的附件,并在需要时替换为任何其他附件以获得不同的感觉。
- 100%矽胶头附件,带有不同的可选头(另售)
- 单触式增量速度控制
- 无需电池/可充电
- 包括40“USB充电线

For the price and the thrill this little massager is the real deal...well worth the investment for a night of relaxing sexual pleasure. With no cord makes it even more pleasurable to use as I can change positions, and the motor is quiet. Love how head bends in different directions.
Great buy. Recommended!
For the price and the thrill this little massager is the real deal...well worth the investment for a night of relaxing sexual pleasure. With no cord makes it even more pleasurable to use as I can change positions, and the motor is quiet. Love how head bends in different directions.
Great buy. Recommended!