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Arcwave Ion 电动吸啜飞机杯 产品编号 4251460603621
Arcwave Ion 专用 DryTech 干燥包
Pleasure AirTM
体验完全以脉动空气波营造的强劲新刺激。作为唯一一部针对处于小系带的 Pacinian 感受器而设计的产品,Ion 承诺为你营做前所未有的强烈高潮。这些感受神经高度敏感,对加速和减速反应良好。 Pleasure Air 以最佳方式刺激这些感受器,创造全新高潮体验。
Smart SilenceTM 智能静音
在需要它开机时才会开机。 Ion的 Pleasure AirTM 感应器在接触到皮肤时,让刺激自动开始和停止。不用再担心有不想听到的噪音,因为 Smart Silence 会在没有皮肤接触时自动把产品关机 。 Ion 备有直觉性智能科技,是适合任何人士的完美产品。
CleanTech Silicone
要保持你的 Ion 清爽干净易如反掌。 Arcwave 的 CleanTech矽胶质感非常顺滑,易于清洁,只于 Arcwave 系列提供。高密度和生物兼容,令产品免受病原体和细菌侵袭。此外,CleanTech 矽胶也属低致敏,而且抗紫外光,比市面上的传统物料卫生耐用。
Twist to Open
清洁和风干不一定是令人烦厌的琐事。只要扭开机身上半部,以清水冲洗,再把 Ion 放回低调的收纳底座便可以风干。
• Pleasure AirTM 空气吸啜技术(8 级强度设定)
• Smart SilenceTM
• 轻松扭开机制,方便清洁
• 备用模式
• 100% 防水 IPX7
• CleanTech 矽胶(低致敏及医疗级)
• 收纳底座设有 LED 充电指示灯
• 收纳底座方便充电和风干
• 箱内备有英语版本的快速使用指南
• 网站备有 15 种语言的完整使用手册
防水 IPX7
电池 USB 可充电锂离子电池
产品呎吋 153,5 x 51,98 x 83,19 毫米
包装呎吋 280 x 89 x240 毫米
包括包装的总重量 1117 克
物料 医疗级矽,人体安全的 ABS 塑胶
操作时间 70 分钟
充电时间 120 分钟
我们想通知您,适用于 Wow Tech 产品(ROMP、Womanizer、We-Vibe、Arcwave)的充电器适配器如下:
市场上有几种快速充电适配器可以将电压提高到 5V、9V、12V 及以上,或者将电流增加到 3A 及以上。
请记住,上述快速充电适配器不适用于Wow Tech 产品,使用此类适配器可能会损坏玩具。

我买呢个玩具)老实说,我从来未有经历过咁样慨感觉,即使系口交!系最好感受! 振动、吸吮、挤压。 系一种狂喜高潮!
非常正慨嘢。 你唔会后悔慨
Еxceeded all my expectations
Everything works 10 out of 10.
The order came quickly in the USA. Packed well. I liked it in operation. Just super! I recommend it to everyone.
It does not fulfill its function, very well
I didn't expect such a feeling! I'm very satisfied!
Thing works good. The design of the orifice is perfect. There's nothing like it. I can't imagine any guy not being very happy with this toy.
I was initially hesitant to try this Arcwave, but I'm so glad I did. The air pulse technology provides a unique and exciting sensation that's hard to describe. It's not like any other male sex toy I've tried before. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality and design of the product. It's very modern and easy to use, and the magnetic charging system is a nice touch. It's also waterproof, which is a plus. Overall I am very happy with it.
Pleasure AirTM
体验完全以脉动空气波营造的强劲新刺激。作为唯一一部针对处于小系带的 Pacinian 感受器而设计的产品,Ion 承诺为你营做前所未有的强烈高潮。这些感受神经高度敏感,对加速和减速反应良好。 Pleasure Air 以最佳方式刺激这些感受器,创造全新高潮体验。
Smart SilenceTM 智能静音
在需要它开机时才会开机。 Ion的 Pleasure AirTM 感应器在接触到皮肤时,让刺激自动开始和停止。不用再担心有不想听到的噪音,因为 Smart Silence 会在没有皮肤接触时自动把产品关机 。 Ion 备有直觉性智能科技,是适合任何人士的完美产品。
CleanTech Silicone
要保持你的 Ion 清爽干净易如反掌。 Arcwave 的 CleanTech矽胶质感非常顺滑,易于清洁,只于 Arcwave 系列提供。高密度和生物兼容,令产品免受病原体和细菌侵袭。此外,CleanTech 矽胶也属低致敏,而且抗紫外光,比市面上的传统物料卫生耐用。
Twist to Open
清洁和风干不一定是令人烦厌的琐事。只要扭开机身上半部,以清水冲洗,再把 Ion 放回低调的收纳底座便可以风干。
• Pleasure AirTM 空气吸啜技术(8 级强度设定)
• Smart SilenceTM
• 轻松扭开机制,方便清洁
• 备用模式
• 100% 防水 IPX7
• CleanTech 矽胶(低致敏及医疗级)
• 收纳底座设有 LED 充电指示灯
• 收纳底座方便充电和风干
• 箱内备有英语版本的快速使用指南
• 网站备有 15 种语言的完整使用手册
防水 IPX7
电池 USB 可充电锂离子电池
产品呎吋 153,5 x 51,98 x 83,19 毫米
包装呎吋 280 x 89 x240 毫米
包括包装的总重量 1117 克
物料 医疗级矽,人体安全的 ABS 塑胶
操作时间 70 分钟
充电时间 120 分钟
我们想通知您,适用于 Wow Tech 产品(ROMP、Womanizer、We-Vibe、Arcwave)的充电器适配器如下:
市场上有几种快速充电适配器可以将电压提高到 5V、9V、12V 及以上,或者将电流增加到 3A 及以上。
请记住,上述快速充电适配器不适用于Wow Tech 产品,使用此类适配器可能会损坏玩具。

我买呢个玩具)老实说,我从来未有经历过咁样慨感觉,即使系口交!系最好感受! 振动、吸吮、挤压。 系一种狂喜高潮!
非常正慨嘢。 你唔会后悔慨
Еxceeded all my expectations
Everything works 10 out of 10.
The order came quickly in the USA. Packed well. I liked it in operation. Just super! I recommend it to everyone.
It does not fulfill its function, very well
I didn't expect such a feeling! I'm very satisfied!
Thing works good. The design of the orifice is perfect. There's nothing like it. I can't imagine any guy not being very happy with this toy.
I was initially hesitant to try this Arcwave, but I'm so glad I did. The air pulse technology provides a unique and exciting sensation that's hard to describe. It's not like any other male sex toy I've tried before. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality and design of the product. It's very modern and easy to use, and the magnetic charging system is a nice touch. It's also waterproof, which is a plus. Overall I am very happy with it.
我买呢个玩具)老实说,我从来未有经历过咁样慨感觉,即使系口交!系最好感受! 振动、吸吮、挤压。 系一种狂喜高潮!
非常正慨嘢。 你唔会后悔慨
Еxceeded all my expectations
Everything works 10 out of 10.
The order came quickly in the USA. Packed well. I liked it in operation. Just super! I recommend it to everyone.
It does not fulfill its function, very well
I didn't expect such a feeling! I'm very satisfied!
Thing works good. The design of the orifice is perfect. There's nothing like it. I can't imagine any guy not being very happy with this toy.
I was initially hesitant to try this Arcwave, but I'm so glad I did. The air pulse technology provides a unique and exciting sensation that's hard to describe. It's not like any other male sex toy I've tried before. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality and design of the product. It's very modern and easy to use, and the magnetic charging system is a nice touch. It's also waterproof, which is a plus. Overall I am very happy with it.