Germany Mario Macamen Male Capsules 60's Pack Product code 4892659064740

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Last price: 49.20
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Last price: 49.20

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Product description
Product description
The blood flow through the delicate lining of the arteries (the endothelium) is essential to sexual arousal and capacity. MACAMEN is an ideal blend of herbs and nutrients targeted for male stamina, power and libido to perform longer in bed. MACAMEN contains only herbal blend. No drugs and without unwanted side effects. Suitable for long term use to preserve male potency power.

- helps to strengthen reproductive organs, nourishes kidney and glandular system
- beneficial as enhancer supplement to increase libido, stamina and prolongation in performance
- works as antioxidant, delay aging, reduces general weakness.Helps to enchance focus
- works as nutritive toniq to improve male patency, stamina and strength as well as improving sperm counts

Take 2 capsules daily, as dietary supplement.
Add 2 capsules each time before bed performance, if required.
Take continuously at least for 2 weeks time to enable a steady result

Below 25 degrees Celsius, keep out of reach of children

Product features

The blood flow through the delicate lining of the arteries (the endothelium) is essential to sexual arousal and capacity. MACAMEN is an ideal blend of herbs and nutrients targeted for male stamina, power and libido to perform longer in bed. MACAMEN contains only herbal blend. No drugs and without unwanted side effects. Suitable for long term use to preserve male potency power.

- helps to strengthen reproductive organs, nourishes kidney and glandular system
- beneficial as enhancer supplement to increase libido, stamina and prolongation in performance
- works as antioxidant, delay aging, reduces general weakness.Helps to enchance focus
- works as nutritive toniq to improve male patency, stamina and strength as well as improving sperm counts

Take 2 capsules daily, as dietary supplement.
Add 2 capsules each time before bed performance, if required.
Take continuously at least for 2 weeks time to enable a steady result

Below 25 degrees Celsius, keep out of reach of children

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