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Shunga 私密花园阴蒂刺激乳霜 - 30ml 产品编号 697309055000
My girlfriend and I weren't sure what to expect from it but as soon as it was rubbed on to my clit I started to feel the most wonderful warm feeling spreading around my groin! I insisted she tries some and we were in bliss!
I felt I was going to explode!
It made my orgasms 10 times stronger than usual, was such a fun night.
Highly recommended ladies!
秘密花园的阴蒂凝胶是所有年龄的女性的必备品! 使用它为您自己的乐趣或达到新的高度与你的爱人,发现新的感觉。
通过花费时间按摩阴蒂下的软组织在阴蒂区域上应用。 某些女性会立即感觉到效果; 其他人最多可以申请3次(连续3天)。 凝胶可用于独奏或作为敏化润滑剂。
不建议孕妇和患有生殖器疱疹的人。 用眼睛接触的水冲洗。

My girlfriend and I weren't sure what to expect from it but as soon as it was rubbed on to my clit I started to feel the most wonderful warm feeling spreading around my groin! I insisted she tries some and we were in bliss!
I felt I was going to explode!
It made my orgasms 10 times stronger than usual, was such a fun night.
Highly recommended ladies!
My girlfriend and I weren't sure what to expect from it but as soon as it was rubbed on to my clit I started to feel the most wonderful warm feeling spreading around my groin! I insisted she tries some and we were in bliss!
I felt I was going to explode!
It made my orgasms 10 times stronger than usual, was such a fun night.
Highly recommended ladies!