Established in 2007, Pornhub is now the number one recognised and largest porn site worldwide. The largest porn site and 22nd largest web site (Alexa). 80 million daily visits. 22,4 million registered Pornhub users. 2,3 million followers on instagram. 120.000 subscribers on YouTube. 4.599.000.000 hours of porn watched in 2016. 99gb per second the average streaming bandwidth.
Established in 2007, Pornhub is now the number one recognised and largest porn site worldwide. The largest porn site and 22nd largest web site (Alexa). 80 million daily visits. 22,4 million registered Pornhub users. 2,3 million followers on instagram. 120.000 subscribers on YouTube. 4.599.000.000 hours of porn watched in 2016. 99gb per second the average streaming bandwidth.