US$396+九三折, US$661+九折
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Tenga Sphere 自慰蛋 產品編號 EGG-017
對比其他tenga蛋 呢個凹凸感明顯好好多
拉伸力一般 我唔想拉穿lol
無咩異味 正評
I'm a big fan of Tenga eggs. It's easy to clean and you can use it several times before it gets warn out.
The tenga egg sphere is one of my top tenga eggs. The internal bumps design feels great as you stroke. The bump designs are spaced far enough from each other giving the right amount of rub.
I would definitely buy this one again.
Keep in mind that all tenga eggs are meant for slow play.
TENGA 自慰蛋 10周年紀念版!
尺寸:49*49*61mm /(D)×(W)×(H)
包裝尺寸:53*53*70mm /(D)×(W)×(H)
對比其他tenga蛋 呢個凹凸感明顯好好多
拉伸力一般 我唔想拉穿lol
無咩異味 正評
I'm a big fan of Tenga eggs. It's easy to clean and you can use it several times before it gets warn out.
The tenga egg sphere is one of my top tenga eggs. The internal bumps design feels great as you stroke. The bump designs are spaced far enough from each other giving the right amount of rub.
I would definitely buy this one again.
Keep in mind that all tenga eggs are meant for slow play.
對比其他tenga蛋 呢個凹凸感明顯好好多
拉伸力一般 我唔想拉穿lol
無咩異味 正評
I'm a big fan of Tenga eggs. It's easy to clean and you can use it several times before it gets warn out.
The tenga egg sphere is one of my top tenga eggs. The internal bumps design feels great as you stroke. The bump designs are spaced far enough from each other giving the right amount of rub.
I would definitely buy this one again.
Keep in mind that all tenga eggs are meant for slow play.